
These creatures are called hatchlings and you may have seen them on the Facebook messenger stickers. I thought to create them in fimo as I love these guys so much.

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Pitch dragon and egg

Commonly known as the moth dragon due to its habit of hunting only at night, the American Amphithere is a particularly mordacious creature that will snap and bite at almost anything. Its iridescent feathers have a fur-like appearance. This little creation has just hatched and does not want to leave its un-hatched sibling behind. The egg also glows-in-the-dark

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Rare Wyvern (Draco Africanus)

Adult Wyvern spend much of their time on the wing, since their great size makes movement on the ground a clumsy affair, they are known to be friendly to humans and are the largest of all the dragon species.

This little creation has just hatched and does not want to leave its un-hatched sibling behind. The egg also glows-in-the-dark

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Tibetan dragon

This dragon creation is a rare fire Tibetan dragon (Draco Montana). The Tibetan dragon is ashy, reclusive beast of great wisdom and beauty. A lover of high altitudes, its main prey is Himalayan yeti, a large ape that has adapted to the cold conditions and rarefied atmosphere of the Tibetan dragon’s  mountain home.

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